blog radio

Friday, June 15, 2007

computer security session

how can a random person proect them selves on the internet? first thing you need is common sense. if you done know what to do while on the internet, then you set your self for faliure. now that the simple rule is set up, the technical stuff comes in. one way to stay safe on the net is to get a firewall. firewalls block out any unwanted programs that can hurt you computer. if you want to let certain "programs" in your computer, then jut go to the controls on your firewall and adjust it. the second thing you can do is to stop going to those "sites" that have a lot of traffic and people. the third thing that you can do is use pasword protection systems, in case some stranger wants to pretnd to be you for pointless crap. and when that fails then you may have to get help for it.

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